Easter Sunday 2023
This Sunday at NTC Massena, we celebrate Easter Sunday! Jesus conquered Sin and Death! Join us as we lean into what this resurrection means for all of us! Join us online or in person next week!
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Easter Sunday 2023
This Sunday at NTC Massena, we celebrate Easter Sunday! Jesus conquered Sin and Death! Join us as we lean into what this resurrection means for all of us! Join us online or in person next week!Maturity W.9- Trust
This week at NTC Massena, Our Youth Pastor Josh White shares with us as we continue our series on Maturity! Trust is essential to the Christian walk, without it we miss out on seeing God move! We hope you are encouraged and challenged by this word this week! Join us online or in person next week as we continue to grow together.Maturity W.8- Hunger and Thirst
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg Hurlbut shares with us on what we Hunger and Thirst for as we continue our series on Maturity! We hope you are encouraged and challenged by this message! Join us in person or online next week as we continue to grow together!Maturity W.7- Humility
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg Hurlbut shares with us on Humility as we continue our series on Maturity! We hope you are encouraged and challenged by this message as we all grow to know Jesus more and represent him!No Mistakes- Bruce Beckstead
This week at NTC Massena, we hear from Bruce Beckstead as he shares on the life of Ruth and what we can take from it. We hope you are encouraged and challenged today!Maturity- W.6
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Justin Cardinal continues our series on Maturity. This week we discuss that part of Maturity is walking in Humility and not being afraid to ask questions! We hope you are challenged and encouraged with us as we grow more toward representing Jesus well!Maturity W.5- The Cost
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg Hurlbut shares as we continue our series on Maturity. Following Jesus has a cost. What does that cost mean and what does it look like? Join us as we learn and grow more together with God's help!Maturity W.4- Forgiveness and Judgement
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg Hurlbut continues our series on Maturity. Forgiveness and Judgement. Two topics we are familiar with, but how do we use them? Join us, as learn and grow together with God's help!Maturity W.3- Power of the Tongue
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg continues our Maturity series. Hitting on The Power of the Tongue! Our words have power, how are we using them? Join us as we learn and grow more together!Maturity W.2
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Justin Cardinal continues in week two of our series on Maturity! Join us as we grow together!Maturity- W.1
This week at NTC Massena, we hear from Pastor Greg Hurlbut as he starts a new series on Maturity! Jesus has called us to not stay "Young" in our Faith, but to grow and to Mature!December 18th- Pastor Justin Cardinal
This week at NTC we celebrate that our Savior has come! Join us for a word by Pastor Justin Cardinal as he shares during this Christmas season!December 11th- Pastor Greg Hurlbut
We hope you enjoy this message from Pastor Greg Hurlbut. Be encouraged and challenged today and Happy Hollidays!December 4th- Bruce Beckstead
We welcome you to listen to an encouraging and challenging message shared by Bruce Beckstead with us as we approach the Holliday Season!Stand Firm
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares with us a message on Stand Firm! We have a real enemy that strategies how to take us out. But as Ephesians 6:11 says "Put on all of God's armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil". We serve a great and powerful God! Let's stand Firm and Pray together!Partnership W.2
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Justin shares as we talk more about what it means to be a Partner! In this message we will cover 2 of our values here at NTC! We Stand Together and we Grow Together! Don't forget to sign up for our Partner Party November 4th! Come check it out!Partnership W.1
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg opens up our series on Partnership. What is a Partner? What does a Partner do? Join us to learn more!Garden to City- W.18
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares out of Revelations as we continue in our Garden to City Series! We hope you are challenged and encouraged this week ass you join us! Be Blessed!Garden to City- W.17
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares out of Revelations as we walk through our Garden to City series. We hope you enjoy, are encouraged, and learn something new about our Heavenly Father!Garden to City W.16
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares with us out of Revelations as we continue our seers Garden to City. We hope you are encouraged and challenged today!Garden to City W.15
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Justin Cardinal shares with us as we continue our series in Garden to City. We hope you are encouraged today!Garden to City W.14
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Justin shares with us as we continue in our Garden to City Series! We hope you are blessed and Encouraged today!Garden to City W.13
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg continues our series on Garden to City. We hope that as you listen you are you encouraged and challenged! Be Blessed!Garden to City W.12
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Don Curry shares with us as we continue our series from Garden to City. We hope you are challenged and encouraged today!Garden to City W.11
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares with us as we continue our series on Garden to City! Thank you for joining us today! We hope you feel encouraged!Garden to City W.10
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg continues our Garden to City Series and gives a recap of his trip to Columbia. We hope you are encouraged today!Garden to City W.9
This week at NTC Massena, Bruce Beckstead shares with us as we continue our Garden to City Series! Please join us, we hope you are encouraged!Garden to City W.7
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Justin Cardinal shares with us as we continue our Garden to City series, wrapping up the book of Genesis! Join us!Trust in the Lord!
This week at NTC Massena our dear friend Charlie Sweet shares with us an encouraging and faith building message! Trust in the Lord! God has only just begun! We hope you are encouraged and challenged!Life- Are we Christ Like?
This week at NtC Massena, Pastor Greg speaks to us about life, and asks us the question we should be asking ourselves daily... "are we Christ like?" Please join us! and enjoy!Garden to City W.6
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg continues in our Garden to City series! This week we talk about how God worked through Abraham to be a blessing to all!Garden to City W5
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg Continues our Garden to City series. We take a look at Noah and how His Faith and Obedience to God impacted His relationship with Him. Join us!Go Person
This Sunday at NTC Massena, we have the honor of having Pastor Marc Estes with us! Pastor Marc is Lead Pastor of Mannahouse Church in Portland Oregon. Marc shares with us on being a Go Person instead of a No Person! Join us!Garden to City W4
This Sunday at NTC Massena, We had some incredible water baptisms and a shortened message. Join us as we continue into week 4 of our Garden to City series!Garden to City W3
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg continues in our Garden to City series. Covering Genesis Chapter 3 and what it shows us about God and ourselves!Garden to City W.2
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Justin continues into week 2 of our Garden to City series. We discuss how scripture reveals how God is Relational! Join us!Garden to City- W1
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg starts a new series! Garden to City! We see that right from the beginning of time we were made for a purpose! Join us as we dive into this impacting new series!Come and Have Breakfast
This Sunday at NTC Massena, we get to here from our dear Friend Pastor Bruce Beckstead. Bruce shares with us out of John 21. Join us!Palm Sunday
This Sunday at NTC we celebrate Palm Sunday! Focusing on the bible story right before Jesus Triumphant entry into Jerusalem, the resurrection of Lazarus! Sometimes the death in our life, is the very thing that God will use to bring the greatest life in us! Join us as we dive into this story!Forgiveness
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares on Forgiveness. Jesus modeled forgiveness powerfully and asks us to do the same. Tune in and ask yourself, Have I accepted Jesus Forgiveness, and have I been withholding forgiveness?Blessed
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares on the Beatitudes out of Matthew 5 in a Message called Blessed! Jesus gives a powerful teaching in Matthew 5! What do people look like that have turned towards the Kingdom and have let God transform them into new people?Three Questions
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Tony Ramsdell asks us 3 questions. Questions that orient us to remember what really matters in this life! Join us!Do you Love me?
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Jessica Hurlbut shares with us on the moment that the Love of Jesus became real to us and how that love create a change in us! Love is not measured by what we give up, but by what we take up! Join us!Fruit Pt.2
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg continues our conversation about Fruit in Our Lives! Jesus calls all of us to produce fruit, but it must come from the basis of love to us, in us, and then through us!FRUIT
This Week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares on living a life full of Fruit! What Fruit has Jesus called us to make in our lives and how do we do it? Join us!The Fig Tree
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares with us on being Fruitful with our lives! Jesus calls us to be fruitful! From the beginning of creation that was our calling! Join us as we dig into being fruitful!Joy Pt.4
This week at NTC Massena. Pastor Bruce Beckstead shares with us as we conclude our series on Joy! Join us!Joy Pt.3
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg continues our series on Joy! Receiving the Joy that Jesus has for us is relent on our Relationship and Obedience to Him. Join us as we discover Joy in Jesus!Joy Pt.2
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Justin shares with us on Finding Joy in week 2 of our series Joy! Join us!Joy- Pt.1
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg kicks off our new series on JOY! Where does our source of Joy come from? Is it circumstantial or grounded in the giver of Joy!? Join us!Stress
This week at NTC Massena, Joe Hazelton shares with us about Stress! We all feel Stress in some degree. But Stress should never control us or steal our Joy! Join us as we have a honest discussion about dealing with Stress!Christmas Service 2021
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares at our Christmas service. Jesus Came to seek and save the lost! This Christmas season, be reminded of our mission! To seek and save the lost, to leave the 99 to find the 1!Shalom
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg speaks on Shalom. The peace that can only come form God! A Peace that passes understanding, a peace that should be evident in the lives of followers of Jesus! Do you have Shalom today? Jesus has it for you!Water Baptism Sunday!
This week at NTC Massena, we celebrate together as 13 people decide to be baptized! When someone decides to dedicate their life to Jesus, we celebrate! Join us as we celebrate this momentous day and hear a short word from Pastor Justin.Kingdom Advancing W.12
This week at NTC Massena, we continue our series on Kingdom Advancing with our Youth Pastor Josh talks about Faithfulness in the kingdom! Will you step forward when you feel like stepping back?Kingdom Advancing W.11
This week at NTC, Pastor Justin continues our series on Kingdom Advancing. Sharing on how we are Royal Priests! All called to do and continue the work of Jesus!Vision!
This Sunday at NTC, Pastor Greg shares about vision and our need for it as he lays out some of the things God has put on our hearts for the coming year and beyond! "Without prophetic vision, the people cast of restraint and go astray"Kingdom Advancing W.10
This week at NTC Massena, we had an incredible service! 6 people were Water Baptized and then Pastor Greg continues our series on the Kingdom Advancing!Kingdom Advancing W.8
This week at NTC Massena Pastor Greg continues our series on Kingdom Advancing! If we want to see the Kingdom of Heaven advanced in and through us, it must be by the Power of the Holy Spirit! We need the Holy Sprit! In what ways do you need to allow the Holy Spirit in our lives in a greater way?Kingdom Advancing W.7
This Sunday at NTC Massena. Pastor Greg continues our series on Kingdom Advancing! This week we talk about the Authority to proclaim the Kingdom, given to us by Jesus! We Proclaim the Kingdom!Kingdom Advancing W.6
This week at NTC, Pastor Justin Cardinal continues our awesome series on Kingdom Advancing! Pastor Justin challenges our mindset when it comes to the kingdom and potential obstacles that we can face. Join us!Kingdom Advancing W.5
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg continues our series on Kingdom Advancing! This week we talk about Sin and Righteousness. Often times Sin can prohibit us from fully entering into God's kingdom. Luckily we don't have to battle in alone! Join us this week as we dive into this exciting series!Kingdom Advancing W.4
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg continues our series on Kingdom Advancing! Join us as we talk about our need for Jesus! If we want to advance the Kingdom, we need Jesus!!Kingdom Advancing W.3
This week at NTC! Pastor Greg continues our series on Kingdom Advancing! Wherever we go, we bring the kingdom with us! How can you you advance the Kingdom in your going this week and every week?Kingdom Advancing- W.2
This Sunday at NTC we are excited to continue our new series on Advancing the Kingdom! We have the choice to live a life of intention and growth or not... what will we choose?Kingdom- Advancing! W1
This week at NTC Sunday, Pastor Greg kicks off a new series! This series is titled called Kingdom-Advancing! Reminding us that the Kingdom is meant to advance! Join us as we dive into what Jesus says about the Kingdom!Jesus Nailed It
This week at NTC Massena, we get to hear from our dear friend Charlie Sweet. Charlie shares with us a powerful message titled "Jesus Nailed It!" Tune in to hear how Jesus is building His Church!Church- Called Out Ones W9
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg continues our series on the Church. The Church is called to be on the offensive, not on the defensive. There is no maintaining in the Kingdom, only advancing! How are you advancing the Kingdom today?Church- Called Out Ones W8
This Sunday at NTC Pastor Greg continues our series on Church! We are the church and we have loved diving into this series! Don't miss this Sundays message as we hit on, picking up the mantle of the Church that Jesus left for us!Church: Called Out Ones W7
This Sunday at NTC Massena, we continue our series on the Church. Hearing from Chris White about being the Church everywhere, all the time!Church- Called out Ones W6
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Justin continues our series on Church. This week we talk about how the church is a family, and like every family, sometimes we fight! What does God's word say about dealing with conflict in the church and what the ultimate goal is?Church- Called Out Ones W5
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Tony Ramsdell continues our Series on Church. As the church, we represent more than just ourselves. We are called to represent Christ and His body well, in every circumstance there is an opportunity to be the Church!Church- Called Out Ones W3
This Sunday at NTC Pastor Greg continues into week 3 of our awesome new series, Church- Called Out Ones. Will we put on the calling God has for us?Church- Called Out Ones W2
This Sunday at NTC Massena, pastor Justin continues in week 2 of our new series Church- Called Out Ones! Loving this series!Church: Called Out Ones W1
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg starts our new series on Church! We gather together every week for Church, but what are we called to do? Jesus has called us out, we are the called out ones! What does that mean for us and for the world?40th Anniversary
This Sunday at NTC Massena we had the honor of having our founding Pastor Tom Wells up to share as we celebrate our 40 year Anniversary as a church! Tune in to hear a great word from Pastor Tom!Transformed W.8
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg finishes up our awesome series on Living Transformed. We have loved this series and can't wait to continue being transformed daily as we walk with Jesus. Remember we are Transformed to bring Transformation to others!Transformed W.7
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Chris White shares with us on Obedience and Faith. God has called us all! Will we step out and act?Live Transformed W.6
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Josh White continues our Live Transformed Series, focusing on Forgiveness. Forgiveness is essential for the life of every believer, God is so clear on our need to be a forgiving people! Forgiveness Is Transforming!Live Transformed W.5
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg continues our series on Living Transformed! Who else has been loving this Series?!Live Transformed- W.3
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg continues our Live Transformed series talking about Baptism! Baptism is an important part in our walk with Jesus and being transformed to be more like Him. Have you been baptized? Sign up for Baptisms on May 16th!Live Transformed Week 2
This Sunday at NTC Massena, we dive into week 2 of our Live Transformed series! Pastor Greg continued our series with an awesome message on Transformed people, transform those around them! We are called to continue the transformation that Jesus has done in us! Transformed people transform cities!Living Beyond Yourself
This Sunday at NTC Massena, we had Pastor Marc Estes from MannaHouse Portland OR. Pastor Marc shared with us a powerful message on Living Beyond Ourselves. Are we willing to go to people, love people, stay with people, like Jesus does for us daily?Grow your Faith
This Sunday at NTC Massena, we get to hear form Jessica Hurlbut as she shares with us on the importance of Growing Our Faith and how we can do that!All For Love W3
This Week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg continues week 3 of our All For Love series. This week asking the questions, are we making room for others? Is there room for others in our church? Is there room for others in our lives? Will we make room for others and remember it's not all about us?All For Love W2
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg hits week 2 of our All For Love Series! Focusing on the life of Joseph. God Loves us so much that He doesn't waste anything that happens to us! Nothing is Wasted.All For Love W1
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg kicks off a new series! This series is called All For Love. As we approach Easter, we examine Jesus way of Loving, and accepting that Love!Abundant Life
This Sunday at NTC Massena, we hear a message from our own Mark Miller on Abundant Life. God has more for you than the "scars" this life wants to put on you. God wants to restore and heal now, not just one day in Heaven. What "scars" do you have in your life that are holding you back from believing and living as God would have for you?Devoted
This Sunday at NTC Massena, we have our friend Derrill Corbin with us! Pastor Derrill pastors at Manahouse in Portland Oregon. Love this word on being devoted to God's calling!Soul Training- Holy Spirit Pt.2
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg continues our Soul Training series. Last week Pastor Greg spoke on the Holy Spirit, but it was so good we had to do 2 weeks on Him! The Holy Spirit desires to give us gifts to be a witness to all! Tune in to learn more!Soul Training- Who is the Holy Spirit
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg continues with our Soul Training Series hitting on the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is not a what... but a Who. We can know Him, just like we know the Father and the Son. We should have relationship with Him, walk with Him as He enables us to do His work!Soul Training- Bible Reading
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Justin Cardinal continues our series on Soul Training! This week we dive into Reading the Bible. When we read the bible, we need to approach it not as an intellectual pursuit, but as a call to action! After reading the Bible, we would be asking ourselves, what should i do about this?Soul Training- Worship
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg continues our series on Soul Training, focusing on worship. What does it mean to worship in Spirit and in Truth?Soul Training- When you Pray
This Sunday at NTC Massena, we dive into week two of our Soul Training series. This week Pastor Greg shares on When we Pray! SO excited to dig into this topic! Jesus Regularly withdrew to pray, and He taught on prayer multiple times! Join us!Soul Training- When you Fast
This Sunday at NTC Massena, we are in our "Soul Training" series! Pastor Greg shares a message on Training on Soul when we Fast! Fasting is such an important part of our walk with Jesus! Are we fasting? Are we fasting like Jesus describes? Let's lean in together!Jesus' Words- Light in the Darkness
This week at NTC Massena, we have our Christmas service! As we celebrate the coming of our Savior, Pastor Greg shares on the Light in the Darkness. Jesus described Himself as the light in the darkness, and called us to be light ourselves! What did Jesus say about being the light?Jesus' Words-Friends and Food
This Sunday at NTC Massena, we continue our series on Jesus' Words. Pastor Justin shares with us on our need for each other. Jesus regularly spent time sitting and eating with His friends. We should continue connecting, even if it can't in person. Who can you call today? Who can you reach out to?Jesus' Words- Justus Martin
This week at NTC Massena, we continue our series on Jesus' Words. With special guest speaker, Pastor Justus Martin. This Season, we have something to offer! Will we offer it?Jesus Words-The End
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg continues our Series on Jesus' Words. This week we dive into what Jesus said about "The End". There are certainly a lot of thoughts and theories about this topic, but what did Jesus say? What should we be focused on?Jesus' Words-Family
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Heather continues our series on Jesus' Words! This week we dive into what Jesus said about Family! Family is a huge part of our lives, what did Jesus say about this topic?GlorioUS
This week at NTC Massena, Guest Speaker, Paster Nate Swanson form Great Falls Montana shares with us! God desires a church that would represent fully who He is. That the body of christ would represent the head. That we would be like Him! That His Glory would be shown in US!Jesus' Words- Suffering
This week at NTC, Pastor Jessica continues our series on Jesus' Words. Jesus' talked about a lot of things, one of them was suffering. What did Jesus say about Suffering? How do we respond to suffering? Will we say Yes to the hard things Jesus asks of us?Jesus' Words- Forgiveness
This Sunday at NTC, Pastor Greg continues our series on Jesus' Words. In this series we are looking at what Jesus said about various topics crucial to our lives today! This week we cover what did Jesus say about Forgiveness?Jesus' Words- Sin
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Justin continues our series on Jesus' Words, this week talking about Sin. Jesus upped the ante with our understanding of sin, Calling us higher! Tune in this week to learn more about what Jesus said about sin!Peace: My Priority
This Sunday at NTC, our incredible guests Bob and Audrey Meisner share with us to finish off our weekend with them. What a amazing word on Peace being our priority!Jesus' Words- Religion
This Sunday at NTC, Pastor Greg continues our "Jesus' Words" Series with Part 2, on what does Jesus say about Religion! So excited to jump into this Message and excited to continue in this Series!Jesus Words- God
This week at NTC, we kick off our new series based on the words of Jesus. In the Life of Jesus, what did He teach, what did He say, what were His words? This week we dive into what did Jesus say about God?How it Begins
This Sunday at NTC, Pastor Justin shares with us about "How it Begins". Only a handful of stories are found in all 4 Gospels, let take a closer look at some of those stories and why they are so important for us to understand!The Way We Think
This Sunday at NTC, Pastor Greg shares on The Way We Think. How we think is so important! The way we think determines everything we do, we have to make sure the way we think lines up with how Jesus says we should think.Remember
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares on how important it is to Remember! To remember what God has done, who He is, and what He said He will do. To not get caught up in present circumstances so much that we forget who God is!Distracted
This Sunday at NTC, PastorGreg shares with us on being Distracted. There is a lot that fights for our attention, but what are we suppose to be focused on?Resurrection
This Sunday at NTC, Pastor Justin speaks on the afterlife. We have many thoughts and questions about the afterlife, but what does the Bible say? Join us as we dig into God's word and read about the Hope of the Resurrection!Faith over Fear
This Sunday at NTC, Our great friend Charlie Sweet shared with us a word on not giving into fear, For God has not given us a Spirit of fear! Our Faith should be greater than our fear!Psalm 23
This Sunday at NTC, Our dear friend Dave Broadbent shares with us a message on Psalm 23, a Psalm for the living!The Life Pt.3
This week at NTC, Pastor Justin continues our series on The Life.The Life
This Sunday at NTC, Pastor Greg continues our series on "The Way, The Truth, The Life". Starting week 1 of "The Way". Focusing on our need for the Holy Spirit if we are to live a Life of Love and Fruitfulness, as Jesus Commanded!The Truth
This Sunday at NTC, Pastor Greg starts our series on The truth. Jesus said, i am the Way, the Truth and the Life. The Truth is not meant to be hidden! The Truth isn't complicated!The Way Pt.3
This Sunday at NTC, Pastor Justin continues our Series on The Way. It is our Job now to understand and implement the Teachings and Way of Jesus into our own lives. We have inherited the Way of Jesus!The Way- Pt.2
This Sunday at NTC, Pastor Greg continues week two of our series "The Way". In order to know the ways of Jesus we have to know Him! To know Him is to know what being a servant is. We are called to Serve!The Way
This Sunday at NTC, Pastor Greg shares with us on The Way of Jesus. We all like to go our own way, but if you have followed Jesus for any length of time, you know that our way...isn't the bet way. Join us in learning how to Follow the Way of Jesus.Life
This Sunday at NTC, Pastor Greg shares on Life. John 14:6 “Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me” Is Jesus talking about life in the same way we think about life? Or is it more?Truth
This Sunday at NTC, Pastor Greg shares with us on Truth. Truth is more than statistics and perspectives, Truth is a Person. Truth is Jesus!We are All Priests
This Sunday at NTC, Pastor Justin shares with us out of 1 Peter 2, how we are a priesthood of Believers. Each of us able to communicate God's Grace, forgiveness and Love.Momentum Graduation 2020
This week at NTC, We celebrate and Honor our Momentum Gap Year Students as the graduate from the program! Followed by a word on Simply Saying Yes, to the Call of Christ on our lives. Will we Say Yes?Revelation
This Sunday at New Testament Church, our dear friend Pastor Gary Hayes, shares with us on Revelation. The Gift that God wants to give to us!Endurance
This Sunday at New Testament Church, Pastor Greg shares on the epic of Endurance. Will we finish the Race with Endurance? Will our Faith make us stand out to those in need in times of Crisis? For when our Hope is tested, our Endurance grows!Transformed
This Sunday at NTC Pastor Greg shares with use message on being Transformed! Jesus loves us to much to leave us where we are!Repentance
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares on Repentance! A word that we may have mixed emotions on, but in truth Repentance is a joyous term! Will we turn and go another way today? A Better way, His way!Easter Sunday- No Greater Love
This Sunday at NTC Massena, we celebrate the beauty of our Savior! There is no greater Love than this, then to lay down ones life for a friend. Happy Easter to all, it is a day to celebrate!Broken Expectations
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares on Broken Expectations. Sometimes in our walk with Jesus, we can think that He has let us down in some way, but what expectations do we have? Tune in to learn more! He is Faithful!Church Coming Together
This Sunday at NTC Massena, we had the privilege to hear from our dear, long time friend Bruce Beckstead. Bruce Pastors the Northside Community Advent Christian Church here in town. Please listen in as Bruce Encourages us in our Faith.Stand Together
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Justin shares with us how during these times it is so important to stand together, to stay connected, and be a light to all!Peace greater then fear
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares with us how even in crisis...there is a Peace greater than all fear!Faith or Fear
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares with us on Faith or Fear. Faith is Seen, even when the promises are unseen as of yet. We have a choice to make, will we fear or will we have Faith?Faith and Work W3
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg Hurlbut continues our series on Faith and Work. God has called us to be fruitful! How can we be more fruitful in our lives today, so we can have an impact on eternity?Faith and Work-W1
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Justin Kicks off our Faith and Work Series. We believe that God has called us to live out our Faith in every aspect of our lives, including Work! We got to hear from several NTC Partners on how they bring Faith into their work. Enjoy!Pro-Vision
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares on Pro-Vision. God provides for us. No matter what you are going through, God can use the good, the bad and the ugly to prepare you for the vision in your life. Ask yourself, do i trust god to provide for me, do i trust His vision for my life?Vision 2020
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares on the vision for 2020. God has something great for you in 2020. What is God calling you to say YES to?Hunger and Thirst
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares with us a powerful message on hungering for the things of God. What are Hungering for? We learn to Hunger for the thing that we are feeding ourselves!Following Jesus Practically
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Justin shares on how we can practically follow Jesus! To Follow him we must know Him. Will you take the time to get to Know Him this week and every week after that?Praying Practically
This week at NTC, Pastor Greg an Barb Barkley share on praying practically. After Listening to this message, think, what is one practical way you can grow your prayer life this week?Fasting Practically
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares on Fasting Practically as we enter into a time of fasting together. We are believing for Victory and breakthrough during this season as we listen to His voice above all.Find Grace
This Sunday at New Testament Church, Pastor Justin Cardinal shares on Finding Grace. We are all called to find Grace for others because Grace has been so freely given to us.Find Joy
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Heather Ramsdell shares with us on Finding Joy during this time of the year. There is so much to be Joyful of!Insignificant
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares on feeling insignificant. God Loves to use things that seem insignificant in significant ways! God Looks at the heart over abilities or appearance.Never The Same
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares with us how Jesus accepts us just as we are but wants us to never be the same after encountering Him! He wants us to grow and be free!Overwhelmed
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares on being Overwhelmed. When life and circumstances overwhelm us, will we let God overwhelm our circumstances?Together
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Justin Cardinal shares on how we are made to do things together! Stepping into the Future as one!Shame Off You
This week at NTC Massena, Elaine Kesner shares about the Redeeming power of Jesus and how through Him we can live in Freedom!Miracles
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares a message on Miracles! Will we believe that God is still Healing? What Miracle are you believing for?Why Are We Here?
This Sunday at NTC Massena, we celebrated Water Baptisms, Followed by a brief message from Pastor Greg. Are we living our purpose out? Are we living out Why We Are Here?Galatians 6
This week at NTC Massena, Josh White shares with us as we finish up our Galatians Series. Covering Chapter 6!Galatians 5
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Don Curry continues our series on the book of Galatians! Covering Chapter 5, Religion versus Relationship.Galatians 4
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg (Broken Arm and All) continues our series on the book of Galatians. Please read chapter 4 of Galatians and following along with Pastor Greg as he walks through it!Galatians 3
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg continues our series on the book of Galatians, covering chapter 3!Galatians 2
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg continues the second week of our series on the book of Galatians. Covering chapter 2!Galatians 1
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Justin starts our new series walking through the book of Galatians! Starting with Chapter 1.Poor in Spirit
This week at NTC Massena, Guest Speaker Kent Nolley shares on "Poor in Spirit"Knowing God
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares on knowing God More!Peace
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares on Peace. How do we have Peace in the middle of a storm?Devotional Life
This Week at New Testament Church, Youth Pastor Josh White shares on having a healthy devotional life. How can we know Him if we don't spent time with Him?Church: Where are You Investing?
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Justin shares with us how the church is suppose to function in our everyday life and not just once a week on a Sunday morning. Relationship both with Jesus and with each other continues throughout our everyday lives.Examine Your Path
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Justin shares with us how life has a way of messing with our plans. Following Jesus is less about about a plan and more about a path. Examine your walk today, are you on the right path?True Legacy
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares on leaving behind a True Legacy, as we mourn the passing and celebrate the life of our Matriarch in the Church, Linda Hurlbut. Where is God calling you to invest your life so that you may produce great fruit?VBS- Roar
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares a brief message as we wrap up our final day of VBS and enjoy our Outdoor Church Picnic! Thank you to EVERYONE who helped serve and volunteer for VBS!How He Loves
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares with us story after story from God's word about How exactly God Loves Us! We Can never out give our God. He is Worthy of Everything, He gave us Everything!Keep Pushing Forward
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares with us a message about Pushing Forward! We were meant to push forward, to drive against darkness, but we aren't meant to do it alone!Water Baptisms
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg gives an explanation on Water Baptism, why do we do it? Then celebrate with us as 9 people further demonstrate their commitment towards following Jesus.Guest Speaker: Leon Mazin
This week at NTC Massena, Congregational Leader Leon Mazin shares with us! Leon's congregation is extremely involved in their community in Haifa Israel, focusing on sharing the good news of Jesus Christ the Messiah in multiple ways including a school, soup kitchens, and Holocaust restoration and healing.Pentecost
This Sunday at NTC Massena, We Celebrate Pentecost Sunday! Pastor Greg shares on how the Holy Spirit doesn't just come to do something FOR us, but more importantly IN us and THROUGH!Weak Made Strong
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares with us from 2 Corinthians. Paul boasted about his weakness, because we are made strong in our weakness through Christ! We are made strong, not by our doing or power, but through Christs!Mud Run: Make it through the Mayhem
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Justin closes out our series on Perseverance sharing on How Jesus spoke of peace even in the middle of a storm. We also host a Mud Run for our kids outside!Perseverance!
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Heather Ramsdell continues our series on perseverance.Perseverance.
This week at New Testament Church, Charlie Sweet encourages us to stand firm and prophecies over our body!Perseverance
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg kicks off a new series on Perseverance!Prayer
This week at New Testament Church, our Youth Pastor Josh, shares on how Prayer is the weapon we do battle with. Will we be faithful in Prayer? Will we fight with the weapons God has given us? Will we claim the authority Christ died and rose again to give us?Your Faith
This Sunday we Celebrate the Resurrection of our King! He is Risen! Pastor Greg shares on who is this Jesus we sing and talk about? Do we come to Jesus offering our Faith and Trust or do we come to Jesus demanding proof?Grief to Joy
This week at NTC Massena Pastor Greg shares from the book of John as we continue our series in John. Jesus turns our Grief into Joy!Gospel of John
This Week at NTC Massena, Pastor Justin walks us through the final days leading up to the Crucifixion of Jesus. Just days before Jesus shows the ultimate act of Love, He leaves His disciples with an example to follow and the promise of power to do it!John 17 Movement
This week at NTC Massena, Father Mark Reilly and Pastor Don Curry share with us on the John 17 Movement. We are so exited for the upcoming Lenten Mission Week, April 2nd at St.Mary's Church, 3rd at Emmanuel Congregational Church and 4th at New Testament Church. All Services start at 7:00! We hope to see Everyone there!Gospel of John.
This Week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg continues our Series on the Book of John. Jesus came to give Life. Will we choose the life the world has to offer or will we receive True Life, an Eternal Life.The Gospel of John
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Justin kicks off our new series! We are so excited to dig into the Gospel of John as we lead up to Easter. John knew Jesus so intimately, and he invites us to have that same relationship with our Savior today!Upside Down
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares on how the Kingdom is Upside Down. The Kingdom of God is upside down from how the world would typically view things, in order to Lead, you must Serve!Reading the Bible
This week Pastor Justin shares with us about Reading the Bible. How should we view it? What sense are we using when we read it?Pursuing More
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares how we are called to Pursue right standing with our Father and Bear Fruit with our life. There is no more worthy pursuit in life then loving our God and Loving His children.Worship
This week at NTC Massena we did things a little different. Pastor Mike Herron Shares a message on Worship before we Honor Elaine Kesner for Pastoring our Worship Team for 10 years! Elaine has passed the torch to Gabe and Kristan Laramay who have served and lead on the Worship Team for many years. It is so important to Honor those who have given everything to serve our God with everything they have!Forward
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg hares on Repentance. Repentance is not just saying sorry for sinning, it is changing a mindset and going in a different direction. Going Forward!Faith
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares with us on Faith. How can we make our Faith Seen this week? This year?The God of Abraham
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Justin shares about the life of Abraham. What do we learn about God from Abraham and his family?Set Apart
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares with us how we are meant to stand out, to look different and be Set Apart. Do are lives look different?There is More
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Tony Ramsdell shares with us that There Is More. If you are in your lowest valley, there is more, if you are on your highest peak, there is still more. We serve a God who can take the broken and make something beautiful!Christmas Service
This Sunday at NTC Massena, we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, God with Us!God with Us
This week Pastor Heather shares with us on how the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus changed everything! Are we living like everything has been changed?Immanuel
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares with us, as we enter into the Christmas season and the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Immanuel.Deepening Your Walk with God.
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg continues our series on deepening our walk with God, focusing on Worshiping Him!Going Deeper with God
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Justin Continues our series on Going Deeper with God. Giving practical and spiritual practices to deepening your personal relationship with Him!Choose
This week at NTC Massena, Joe Hazelton shares with us on Choice. Choosing the right thing isn't always easy but it is powerful.Deepening Your walk with God
This Week at NTC Sunday, Pastor Greg starts our series on Deepening your walk with God.Money Possessions and Eternity!
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Jason continues our series on Money, Possessions and Eternity. Sharing on the Topic of Stewardship. God owns everything, He has entrusted us with what we have, to be good stewards with it. Will we put God's kingdom before our own?Loving One Another
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares on Loving One Another. Every person desires to be loved, how can we better love people?Responsible To Each Other
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Justin shares on the importance of Community and Support. We are Responsible to Each Other! If you are Interested in signing up to be a Small Group Leader, Joining a Small Group or taking our Next Steps Class, Email us at info@ntcmassena.comBuilding One Another
This Week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares on how God's plan for ALL of us is to know Him. He is Calling every man, woman and child back to him. We are a part of that plan, to build each other up, as He has built us up.Courage
This week at NTC Massena, Youth Pastor Josh White, shares on the Importance of the Calling on our lives and how Courage is Crucial to seeing it though!Are Need For Each other
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg sits down with Joe and Elaine Cardinal who share on How God has used His Church to help them through one of the toughest times in their lives.The Good Fight
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares with us out of 1 Timothy 6:12. Fight the Good Fight of Faith!Tom Wells
This week at NTC Massena, we get to hear from our founding Pastor Tom Wells as he shares with us.Ryan Brink
This week at NTC Massena we have the privilege of hearing from our dear friend Ryan Brink.Saying Yes
This week at NTC Massena, we got to hear from long time NTC Massena members and now NTC Plattsburgh Site Pastors, Chris and Patti White. Tune in as they share about their story, moving to Plattsburgh.Outdoor Service
This week at NTC Massena, we finished off our Summer Fun week with a Conclusion of VBS, an outdoor service and a message from Pastor Greg Hurlbut.Marriage
This week at NTC Massena, we finish our awesome series on Family with Brad and Sherri Arquiett sharing on Marriage!Purity
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Justin Cardinal and Aaron Coffin continued our series on Family, speaking on Purity.Mothering
This week at NTC Massena we continue our series on Family! Hearing from Pastor Jessica Hurlbut on Mothering!Fathering
This Week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg continues our second week in our Series on Family. What does it mean to be a Father?Family
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg kick off our new series on FAMILY! We have become children of God and a part of His Family, but how does that matter here and now?Romans 14-16
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Justin wraps up our series on Romans with chapters 14-16. Love one another, so that everyone can observe there love of God and be open to it.Romans 12-13
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg continued our series on Romans, speaking on chapters 12-13.Romans 9-11
This Week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg Continues our series on the Book of Romans. Going through Chapters 9-11.Hannah's Prayer
This week at NTC Massena, guest speaker Charlie Sweet shares with us the story of Hannah and how her Prayer affected a nation. Prayer Matters!Romans- Declared Righteous (7&8)
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg continues our series on the Book of Romans. Join us, as we dive into Chapters 7 and 8 and hear what God has to say!Romans- Bruce McCulley
This week at NTC Massena, Guest Speaker from High Peaks Church, Pastor Bruce McCulley, continues our series in Romans. Sharing with us Chapters 4-6!An Antioch Church
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Don Curry shared with us on how we are called to be an Antioch church, and the characteristics that an Antioch Church has.Romans- Declared Righteous
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Pastor Justin kicks off our series on Romans, Diving into chapters 1-3 and breaking them down.The Walk to Emmaus
This week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares with us the story of how Jesus walked with the two disciples on their way to Emmaus, after his resurrection.Easter Sunday!
This week at NTC Massena, We CELEBRATE the Resurrection of our SAVIOR! The Tomb is Empty, He is Risen for You, Forever!Peace in the Wilderness
This Sunday at NTC Massena, Bill Jaggers shares with us on finding Peace in the Wilderness, and trusting God, even before we know His Plan.Vision
This Week at NTC Massena, Pastor Greg shares on Our Vision. What are we willing to give to see that Vision happen?Giving
This week Pastor Greg shares on how our money matters to God because it reveals who we trust and what we value.Unity
This week Pastor Don Curry updates us all on the work of John 17, a organization dedicated to unifying Christs Body.The Holy Spirit: Think Differently
This week Pastor Justin Cardinal continued our Series on the Holy Spirit. Learning to see the Holy Spirit the way the Bible teaches us and removing our preconceived ideas of Him.How to Make Disciples
This week Pastor Greg shares on the fact that in order to do what God has for us, we need the Holy Spirit to help.There is No them
This week Pastor Christoph Fehrenbach Spoke at NTC and shared on eliminating the thought of Them vs. Us!Make Disciples
This week PastorGreg Shared with us one of the commandments that Jesus gave us. Make Disciples! We don't have to be perfect or have everything figured out. We just have to be willing to say YES!What Has He Created Us to Do- Purpose
This week At NTC Massena, Pastor Greg Hurlbut continues our series on What Has God Created Us to Do. God has given Us Purpose!What Has He Created Me to Do?
This week Pastor Justin continues our What Has He Created Me to Do seriesMessage From Bill Jaggers
This New Years Eve we heard from Bill Jaggers as he shares on holding onto the Promises of GodReceiving
This week Pastor Greg Shares with us on the Gift of Jesus, and how it is up to us to receive that Gift.We are Imitators of Christ
This week Pastor Greg Continues on our Who are We Series. Sharing this week how we are called to be Imitators of ChristWe are His Family
This week Pastor Greg continues our Who are We, Series with We are His Family!Who are We? Ft. Justin Cardinal
This week Pastor Justin continues in the second week of our Who are We series.Who are We? Feat. Mark Miller
This week we continue our Series on Who are We, with Mark Miller!Stuck
This week Jessica Hurlbut shares with us on "Being Stuck"God is Transforming
This week Pastor Greg shares on how God is Transforming!Guest Speaker: Kent Forestor
This week we had the privilege of hearing from our good friend Kent Forester as he shared with us how to love like Jesus!God is Holy
This week Pastor Greg continues our Who is God series, with God is Holy!God is Generous
This week Pastor Don continues are Who is God series, as he shares with us how God is Generous!God is With Us
This week Pastor Greg Continued our "Who is God" Series with God is With Us!God is Trustworthy
This week Pastor Justin speaks on how God is Trustworthy!God is Good
This week Pastor Greg Continues our Who is God Series, Sharing that God is Good!Who is God?
This Sunday Pastor Greg shares on Who is God? As we begin our 6 week series, looking into His character and his Love.Our Need to Know Him
This week Pastor Greg Hurlbut Shared with us on Our Need to Know God!Being a Disciple of Jesus
This week our Youth Pastor, Josh White, Shares with us on What Being a Disciple of Jesus looks like and what it entailsHow He Loves Us
This Week Bill Jaggers Shared on God's Love for us. How Perfect and Endless it is!NTC Messages
Free...More Free: Worship
Pastor Greg shared with us on Worship this week. What is it? Why do we do it? and How do we do it?Rhythm of Rest
Kingdom Advancement
Parable of Two Sons
Free... More Free
Mike Herron
This week we had our great friend Mike Herron with us. Mike is a profound voice in the Kingdom both prophetically and musically and we were honored to have him come share with us this Sunday.Building Your Life
Joint Service
This week we had the Whole NTC Family together as both our Plattsburgh and Massena Churches were gathered under one roof to hear from Pastors Don and Greg.His Kingdom Come
We are designed to be carriers and bringers of Christ’s Kingdom. HE wants us to pray for it to come and He wants us to partner with Him in bringing it. If we don’t first truly believe this, then our actions will never be that of Kingdom workers.Between the Bookends
This Sunday Pastor Justin shared with us on how Truth changes us and affects what we do and what we believeGary Hayes
This Sunday we had the privilege of having an amazing prophet share and minister to us. Don't miss Hearing from Gary Hayes.Expectations
Our expectations can be deadly, for us and others. Will we instead be a people full of faith and the Holy Spirit, putting our trust in Jesus, even in the most difficult of circumstances.His Solution for our Problem
This week, Pastor Justin shares on how God is constantly working to bring us back to His plan.Easter Sunday
This Easter Sunday, Pastor Greg Shared on how God has sent an invitation through Jesus his son, to be a part of His Family Forever.Palm Sunday: Our Expectations vs. His Plan
This week Pastor Greg Shared on How God's plan is greater than our expectations.Listen to Him
To Know Him
The Invitation of Resurrection
Go: How to Surprise the World
Go: Fruitfulness
Go: Surprise the World