This Sunday at NTC Massena, Josh White continues our Live Transformed Series, focusing on Forgiveness. Forgiveness is essential for the life of every believer, God is so clear on our…

Galatians 6

October 13, 2019
This week at NTC Massena, Josh White shares with us as we finish up our Galatians Series. Covering Chapter 6!
This Week at New Testament Church, Youth Pastor Josh White shares on having a healthy devotional life. How can we know Him if we don't spent time with Him?


April 28, 2019
This week at New Testament Church, our Youth Pastor Josh, shares on how Prayer is the weapon we do battle with. Will we be faithful in Prayer? Will we fight…


September 2, 2018
This week, at NTC Massena, Youth Pastor Joshua White shares on the importance of the calling on our lives and how Courage is crucial to seeing it through!